One of the most promising techniques for visualizing three-dimensional objects is Integral Photography (IP). Two of
the most common methods used in Computer Generated IP involve the development of simplified ray tracing
algorithms for elementary 3D objects or the realization of
pinhole arrays. We present an alternative technique based on
the POV-Ray software package for ray tracing to generate synthetic, high quality and photorealistic integral images,
by accurately modeling all the optical elements of the capturing setup. Our work constitutes a straightforward
approach for translating a computer generated 3D model to an IP image and a robust method to develop modules that
can be easily integrated in existing
ray-tracers. The proposed technique simulates the procedure of a single stage IP
capture for producing orthoscopic IP images, real or virtual.
Full control is provided over
geometry selection, size and
refractive index of the elementary microlenses. Specificall
y our efforts have been focused on the development of
arrays with different geometries (square or hexagonal) that demonstrates the parameterization capabilities of the
proposed IP setup. Moreover detailed benchmarking is provided over a variety of sizes and geometries of microlens