Όνομα Συνεδρίου:7th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation
Today’s requirements in a satellite based surveying and navigation system call for more reliable, more accurate and faster techniques of observation and computation using GPS. To avoid long observation periods or time- consuming re-occupations and to allow instantaneous kinematic positioning the computation in real-time will become the main task. The paper presents the strategy and algorithms of GPS carrier phase real-time computation and data-handling, e.g. the transmission and receipt of observations data via a radio modem. Additionally the development of a powerful ambiguity resolution algorithm for static and kinematic applications requiring only a few epochs of observation data and its implementation in a real-time kinematic environment (‘On-The-Fly’) are shown.To obtain reliable solutions with highest accuracies the questions of integrity, error-budgets and quality of the registered GPS signals are discussed. First results and experiences also in the presence of Anti-Spoofing are given and compared to classical terrestrial and GPS- surveying techniques.