Aim. The aim of this study was to determine what female and male undergraduate nursing students think of males in nursing.
Method and material. Senior nursing students (n=90) at an undergraduate program in School of Health located in the Northwestern Region of Turkey were included in the study. A questionnaire was used for data collection which received a response rate of 97 %.
Results. Close to half of the female nursing students (45.3 %) want to see males as staff nurses while most of the male nursing students wanted to occupy administrative or administrative/instructor positions after graduation. Female and male students’ perceptions about effects of males on image and status of nursing (p<0.01), both gender’s perceptions about “nursing being only a female profession” (p<0.001) was statistically significant.
Conclusions: Nursing continues to be seen as a fit position for females. Even male students who study in nursing have role tension about nursing. Male students’ desire to occupy mostly administrative positions in health care settings after their graduation shows their intentions to distinguish themselves from female colleagues.