The semantics for data manipulation of the database language CUDL - Conceptual Universal Database Language - designed to manage dynamic database environments, are presented. This language conforms to the FDB (Frame DataBase) data model, offering a simple, easy and efficient platform for the use of the FDB model. Otherwise the management and operation of FDB data is laborious and time-consuming and it requires from the user a very good acquaintance of the proposed model, the structures and organisation of it as well as the processes of the management of elements that compose it. In this paper we present in depth the semantics of the way of handling the data, in order to search and transform information, in an FDB data source. We present the analysis of simple and complex cases that led us to synthesize valid and simple semantic rules that determine the data manipulation operations. The more sophisticated and demanding constructs, used in the language, for query specification, query processing and object manipulation are discussed and evaluated.