Chronic pain is a subjective and multidimensional phenomenon. Beliefs play an important role in experiencing, assessing, and treating chronic pain. Reliable and valid instruments assessing pain related beliefs have theoretical and clinical applications. The Survey of Pain Attitudes (SOPA, Jensen, Turner and Romano, 2000) is one of the most commonly used instruments of beliefs with patients with chronic pain.
Purpose: To describe the psychometric properties of the Survey of Pain Attitudes (SOPA-35) in Greek clinical population.
Methods: The 35-item SOPA consists of seven factors (five items each). The questionnaire was administered in 376 patients (114 men, 262 women) with a mean age of 45.52 years (SD = 14.18) and with chronic cervical and lumbar pain with a mean duration of 34.35 months (SD = 39.37). The SPSS 17.00 was used to estimate the test–retest reliability (intra-class correlation), the internal consistency (Cronbach α), and the factor structure (exploratory factor analysis-EFA). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the integrity of the hypothesized factor structure for each factor, using structural equation modelling (EQS 5.7b).
Results: The SOPA questionnaire factors suggested high levels of test–retest reliability which ranged from .85 to .98, whereas Cronbachs’ α values were acceptable (Cronbachs’ α range from .72 to .80). The EFA yielded a seven-factor solution with factor loadings from .39 to .93, eigenvalues of .41 to .92 which accounted for 61.62% of the total variance. Thus, EFA revealed the same structure as in the original version of the questionnaire and indicated a marginal fit to the data. CFA procedures indicated a rather acceptable fit to the data (NNFI = 91, CFI = .91, RCFI = .95, SRMR = .09, RMSEA = .10).
Conclusion(s): The results provide adequate psychometric support for the instrument.
Implications: These results make available a suitable instrument for chronic pain in the Greek population and will facilitate cross-cultural research on pain beliefs in the future.