These datasets enclose information about the venue participating in pilot 1, The National Gallery (NG) London and the NG collection. These datasets will be used to model the ontology of the paintings of the NG collection. The datasets will be composed of the extensions of the upper-level ontology used to describe the types and relationships required to capture the NG collection and the actual literal data related to the collection. They will be created by NG staff along with assistants from other CROSSCULT researchers, as part of other related NG projects and an ongoing program within the NG to develop and enhance its collection information. The final literal dataset will take the form of structured XML files, with the information modelled in OWL. The types and relationships captured within these files will be documented within the overall ontology, which will also take the form of structured XML. The overall ontology will be based on the CIDOC-CRM cultural heritage standard, along with other related ontologies and enhancements that have been selected and or developed within the CROSSCULT project. The core (Tombstone) data will be retrieved from NG collection information held in the National Gallery Collection Management System (CMS) TMS (The Museum System™) and will be presented to the CROSSCULT app via a new API.