There are methods that enable crowns to be made without a metal substructure. One of these systems is the Celay - In Celay system. This system, was introduced in 1992, but there are few clinical studies on this system. The purpose of this study was to conduct a clinical study of Celay - In Ceram crowns.
Thirty six Celay - In Ceram crowns were constructed for 30 patients. The crowns were clinically evaluated for anatomic form, marginal adaptation, marginal discoloration, color match and fractures for a period of 2 years at regular intervals. The US Public Health Service System was used for the examinations.
Clinical evaluation revealed that the Celay - In Ceram crowns performed well after 2 years; all crowns received scores of Alfa or Bravo for all criteria evaluated. During the observation period none of the crown substructures fractured. These results suggest predictable success within the two-year period tested for the application of Celay - In Ceram crowns for patients.