Όνομα Περιοδικού:British Journal of School Nursing
School nurses promote pupils’ health, and their balanced physical, mental and social development. School nurses working in the Greek public sector are only employed in special schools and are supervised by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports. A study was undertaken to explore public secondary school teachers’ beliefs about the role of school nurses and whether they thought they would be useful in schools.
The majority of respondents believed that the role of the school nurse is to provide first aid (63.9%). Teachers who said that they would feel more secure by the presence of a school nurse in their school were 41 times more likely to believe a school nurse would be useful in the case of school accidents (chi square=57.125, p<0.001 ,OR=41).
The researchers believe that public schools in Greece need to employ school nurses and that the Greek government should consider taking appropriate measures towards this end.