For simulation purposes related to Spacecraft
Operations, ESA has developed a generic simulation
tool set called SIMULUS. This toolset comply with the
ESA Simulation Model Portability standard, hence
ensuring that the environment remain generic hence
reusable not only across ESA missions, but as well for
other none space related domains.
As part of the ESA study “Linux & Multi Core
Processor Technology for Simulators”, several
concepts concerning performance optimization of
SIMULUS based operational simulators were
introduced. Starting from the possibility to explore
parallelism and distributed execution of computational
loads and continuing with the profiling, analysis and
focused optimization of specific simulation models our
efforts and ideas converged to a generic Performance
Optimization Framework (POF). The present paper
summarizes the way the idea of a Performance
Optimization Framework can be applied in future
operational simulators or other simulations using the
SIMULUS software.