The aim of the present study was to evaluate the imaging performance of YAP:Ce powder scintillating screens under exposure conditions employed in diagnostic radiology (50–140 kV). Various screens were prepared in our laboratory from YAP: Ce powder (Phosphor Technology, Ltd.), with coating thickness ranging from 53 to 110 mg/cm2. The imaging performance of the screens was assessed by experimental determination of the modulation transfer function (MTF) and the noise transfer function (NTF). MTF was determined by the edge spread function (ESF) method while NTF was estimated by noise power spectrum (NPS) measurements after uniform screen irradiation. In addition, parameters related to overall image quality, such as the signal-to-noise ratio transfer (MTF/NTF), were estimated. MTF curves were affected by the beam hardening effects caused by the patient simulating 20 mm thick aluminum phantom. Under these conditions MTF values were found to increase with the mean X-ray photon energy. A similar effect was observed for NTF curves. Results were compared with data obtained on CsI:Tl scintillator. Taking into consideration the very fast response of YAP:Ce, these data may be of interest in designing X-ray imaging detectors.