Phosphor materials are used in medical imaging combined with radiographic film or other photodetectors. Cerium (Ce3+) -doped scintillators are of particular interest for medical imaging, because of their very fast response. YAP:Ce scintillator-based image detectors have already been evaluated in single-crystal form and under conditions of positron emission tomography and synchrotron or γ-ray irradiation. Furthermore, YAP:Ce phosphor has been evaluated in conjunction with radiographic films. The present work reports experimental and theoretical data concerning the light output absolute luminescence efficiency (AE) of the YAP:Ce screens under irradiation conditions employed in medical X-ray projection imaging (i.e., in diagnostic radiology). projection imaging (i.e., in diagnostic radiology). YAP:Ce phosphor screens with surface densities ranging between 53 and 110 mg/cm2 were prepared by sedimentation on fused silica substates in our laboratory. The resulted surface density of the screens was determined by dividing the phosphor mass deposited on the screen surface with the area of the surface. Additionally this work addresses the imaging performance of YAP:Ce by estimation of the detective quantum efficiency (DQE), i.e., the square of the signal to noise ratio transfer. Absolute efficiency was found to decrease with X-ray tube voltage for for YAP:Ce phosphor. The highest experimental efficiency was obtained for the 53.7 mg/cm2 and 88.0 mg/cm2 YAP:Ce screens. The highest DQE value was found for the 88.0 mg/cm2 screen irradiated at 60 kVp.