The oldest established Physiotherapy Department
in Greece belongs to the Faculty of Health
and Caring Professions of the Technological
Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens. In recent
years, many TEI departments all over the
country have undergone internal and external
evaluation, according to the Hellenic Quality
Assurance Agency for Higher Education
(ΑΔΙΠ). Indicative examples of the prescribed
evaluation criteria are those relating to the
study programme, evaluation of the teaching
process, the recording of research activities,
as well as the adequacy of the premises, and
the material and technical infrastructure of the
departments. While all categories of criteria
are important, the recording of research work
carries particular weight in the Physiotherapy
Department, because it establishes the scientific
core of the profession and is the fundamental
basis for the creation of self-contained
postgraduate physiotherapy programmes. The
aim of the present study was the recording of
all the research work and related activities of
the teaching staff of the Physiotherapy Department
during the period from January 2007 until
December 2011. The recording of the research
work and related activities of the teaching staff
of the Physiotherapy Department was classified
into 5 basic units: (i) Publications in Peer-reviewed
Journals; (ii) Presentations in Reviewed
Congress Proceedings; (iii) Authorial Activity;
(iv) Research Programmes and Projects; and (v)
Scientific Activities.