This paper refers to the study of an ancient papyrus, dated ca. 420/430 BC, found in 1981 during an
excavation at Daphne, Athens, Greece, using multispectral imaging combined with image processing
analysis. It was assumed that the papyrus contained ancient Greek musical notation but the condition of
the object hindered the drawing of any conclusion based only on visual examination. This fact, combined
with the significance of the object itself, as it is the oldest papyrus which carries Greek text, pointed to
the application of non-invasive techniques to enhance its readability. The multispectral imaging carried
out in the range of 420e1000 nm enabled the detection of more letters on surface layers, at various
places and orientations. False colour imaging proved to yield better results in distinguishing the letters
compared to single wavelength recording. In some cases, letters from several layers underneath are
revealed in the infrared. The letters present different greylevels according to the layer they belong. An
interesting result coming from a simple subtraction of the infrared image at 1000 nm from the visible
one at 660 nm is that different layers of the papyrus can be distinguished. The Application of Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) showed that the best results, as far as the extraction of the letters from the
background is concerned, are obtained when the second and the third images are merged. The automatic
extraction of the letters is feasible to some extent but there is a certain amount of noise with similar
characteristics that cannot be removed.