Conference Name:5th National Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries, Kavala, Greece
The Aegean Sea constitutes the northeasterly part of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, covering an area of approximately 1.8x1ο11 m2 and contains a water volume of some 7.4x1013 m3. Recent studies has shown that Aegean waters has replaced about 20% of the deep and bottom waters of the eastern Mediterranean basin changing the large-scale freshwater balance. The climate of the Aegean Sea of Mediterranean type characterised by annual air temperatures of 16-19.50 C, precipitation of about 500 mm yr1 and evaporation of some 4 mm d'1. The Aegean has a negative heat budget (approximately -25 W m'2) and a positive water balance ( + 1.0 m yr'1) when inflow from the Black Sea is considered. The fluxes via the Cretan straits can not be incorporated to the above calculations as they are 2-3 order of magnitude greater