There is currently a growing demand for photo-textured renderings in fields such as virtual tourism, architectural walk-throughs or archaeological reconstruction. Although this usually takes the form of “artificial” VRML views of modeled 3D scenes draped with image content, video sequences can also be augmented with the insertion of non-existing structures. While these are mostly structures planned to be built, this contribution addresses the question of demolished buildings. In a video sequence showing part of a central square of Athens one building, torn down long ago and replaced by a high hotel, is inserted. Its 3D model has been produced from an old single photograph using its vanishing points. The video itself has been produced in a simple way. First, a panoramic image has been generated by matching cocentric overlapping images. A photo-textured perspective view of the reconstructed building was then inserted into the panoramic image, parts of which were subsequently resampled to produce a frame sequence. This video sequence, combining real scene views with a virtually inserted building, imitates the movement of a stationary rotating camera. Our next step will be to produce a full sequence incorporating further demolished buildings of the square, for which old photographs are available.