It is to the interest of both the photogrammetrist and the non-expert user that image-based measuring techniques and user-oriented packages applied to architectural and archaeological documentation be kept as simple as possible. In this context, the potential of single-image techniques should be exhausted, confining stereoscopic procedures to irregularly-shaped surfaces. This contribution discusses a monoscopic approach for regular 3D surfaces whose known analytical expression provides the missing equation. Products may be in both vector and raster forms obtained via monoplotting and orthoimaging, respectively. Further, in the cases of developable surfaces (e. g. circular cylinders) digital unwrapping of the original images can also be performed. Finally, the basic concept is tested with six non-metric photographs fully covering a small late-19
-centrury railway water-tower having the shape of a right circular cylinder. The unwinded plot of
the surface as well as the mosaic of the digitally unwrapped images are presented.