Όνομα Συνεδρίου:2nd International Conference: Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies in the Economic and Administrative Sciences
In this study we present statistical data and tables on the Greek controlled ships over 1000 GRT (GROSS REGISTERED TONS) and some other data on the Greek registered vessels over 100 GRT in order to indicate the great importance of the Greek shipping to the world trade and economy and furthermore to the Greek national economy. Most of the statistical data and tables have been provided by Lloyd’s Register-Fairplay, other data concerning the Greek national Registry for vessels over 100 grt have been provided by the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping. Finally the very important statistics concerning the world tonnage have been provided by the Review of Maritime Transports of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Edition 2008. On March 2009 appeared the new statistical data for 2008 provided by Lloyd’s Register-Fairplay referring to the greek-owned shipping over 1000 grt. In this study in order to have a direct comparison with the data provided by the above mentioned Review Report of UNCTAD referring to the world shipping we will use both statistical data for 2007 and 2008.
Θέμα:Administration, Shipping, Διοίκηση και οργάνωση, Ναυτιλία