Virtual Environment for Life On Ships'' (VELOS) is a multi-user Virtual Reality (VR) system that aims to
support designers to assess (early in the design process) passenger and crew activities on a ship for both
normal and hectic conditions of operations and to improve ship design accordingly. This article focuses on
presenting the novel features of VELOS related to both its VR and evacuation-specific functionalities. These
features include: (i) capability of multiple users' immersion and active participation in the evacuation
process, (ii) real-time interactivity and capability for making on-the-fly alterations of environment events
and crowd-behavior parameters, (iii) capability of agents and avatars to move continuously on decks,
(iv) integrated framework for both the simplified and advanced method of analysis according to the
IMO/MSC 1033 Circular, (v) enrichment of the ship geometrical model with a topological model suitable
for evacuation analysis, (vi) efficient interfaces for the dynamic specification and handling of the required
heterogeneous input data, and (vii) post-processing of the calculated agent trajectories for extracting
useful information for the evacuation process. VELOS evacuation functionality is illustrated using three
evacuation test cases for a ro ro passenger ship.