The microorganisms and antibiotic resistance of Lactobacillus species from fermented
and dewatered maize slurry (Akamu) sold in Port Harcourt Metropolis was
investigated. This was carried out by using standard microbiological techniques. The
antibiotic sensitivity test was carried out using antibiotic impregnated multi disc
containing ten different antibiotics. The total heterotrophic bacteria count ranged from
1.3 x 109
to 7.1 x 106
cfug-1 of Akamu and total lactic acid bacteria count ranged
from 1.56 x 105
to 2.27 x 105
. The mean value of fungal count ranged from 1.50
x 103
to 2.50 x 106
, total coliform count ranged from 34 to 1600 coliform
(MPN) 100ml-1 while the thermotolerant coliform and facecal coliform ranged from
27 to 1600 coliform (MPN) 100ml-1
. The incidence (%) of bacteria was;
Lactobacillus acidophilus (28%), L. brevis (14%) L. casei (18%), L. dextrinicus (4%).
L. fermentum (4%), L. pentosus (8%), L. plantarum (4%), L. rhamnosus (10%) and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (10%). L. acidopilus had the highest incidence. The fungi
isolated were Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus versicola, Fusarium solani, Mucor
pusillus, and Rhizopus oligosporus. The fungi all had incidence of 20% each.
Generally, microbial counts were highest in samples purchased from hawkers and
lowest in the samples from producers. The antimicrobial susceptibility profile
indicated that Lactobacillus rhamnosus exhibited the highest resistance (70%) to
antibiotics while L. plantarum was the least resistant (10%). The bacteria were most
resistant (71.43%) to Amoxil® and Ampiclox®, and least resistant (14.28%) to
Norfloxacin. Generally, with the exception of L. plantarum which was resistant only
to streptomycin, all the bacteria isolates exhibited multiple resistance to the antibiotics
used. Antimicrobial resistance is a global problem and the emergence of multidrug
resistance will hinder the therapeutic options. The presence of thermotolerant coliform
and facecal coliform bacteria must have been implicated in the diseases or illnesses
associated with the consumption of maize slurry (Akamu). It is highly recommended
that fermented and dewatered maize slurry (Akamu) should be prepared and handled
under good sanitary and hygienic practices to avoid contaminating it with faecal
materials especially from hawkers are essential to maintaining the quality of Akamu