Abstract: The argumentation concerning the formation of a communication
strategy of the image in tourism, is based upon fundamental values and ideals, the central core being the human existence and its spiritual awakening. The present publication follows a progressive approach that discovers new values confirming simultaneously older ones harmoniously combining tradition with the needs of innovation. It is indeed a holistic experiential approach, based on a deep and complex aspect of the touristic destination, its ulterior purpose being nthe opening of the visitor’s soul" , the pursuit of new experiences, the challenge for a conflict with conventional knowledge. Based on research techniques we attempt to record a mechanism of the creation of an image as well as to formulate a logo in correlation with the clientele which is being attracted by the touristic destination under study. Given the new challenges and demands, the formulation of a policy is considered necessary. The main characteristics of this policy must be the respect for the culture and the environment, along with the reinforcement of the economic development in such a viable way, that it keeps pace with our values, with aesthetics with time.