Psychopathology in Juvenile Delinquents
, after a short presentation of the juvenile justic
systems, the authors provide a global overview of t
he main mental health disorders usually
diagnosed in the population of juvenile delinquents
, with a specific focus on Attention Deficit /
Hyperactivity Disorder, Learning Disabilities and M
ood and Anxiety Disorders. A developmental
psychopathology perspective is used and specific at
tention has been given to gender and ethnic /
minority issues. The aim of this overview is to cla
rify through integration of theory and research in
this field, the possible link between mental disord
ers and delinquent behavior of youth and
therefore, present some pathways to delinquency thr
ough psychopathology. Moreover, mental
health services needed in juvenile justice are desc
ribed and detailed recommendations are given
for the prevention strategies and the social polici
es needed to be developed. The final objective of
the book is to propose a direction western societie
s could turn to in order to face the multifaceted
phenomenon of juvenile delinquency.