Objectives: Human brucellosis is a common zoonosis in Greece and an important Public Health issue. Its true incidence is likely to be higher than reported due to underreporting and misdiagnosing of chronic forms which can manifest with depression and other neuropsychiatric symptoms. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible presence of Brucella DNA in the blood of patients with emotional disorders who did not have acute brucellosis or a diagnosis of chronic brucellosis. Methods: From March 2009 to May 2009, inhabitants of a Greek region endemic for brucellosis were examined and grouped as "patients" and "controls" respectively on the basis of the presence or absence of a diagnosis of emotional disorder. A total of 78 whole blood samples were obtained and analyzed by Polymerase Chain Reaction using specific primers. Results: Brucella DNA was detected in 3 (15%) out of 20 patients with emotional disorders, whereas all controls were found to be negative. Conclusions: The appearance of psychiatric - mainly depressive - symptoms in inhabitants of brucellosis endemic areas should raise a suspicion of chronic brucellosis.
Source:www.benthamscience.com / www.hindawi.com
Subject:Δημόσια υγεία, Επιδημιολογία, Public health, Epidemiology