Journal Name:Επιχειρησιακή Έρευνα Operational Research
The Rule Based Expert Systems (RBES) constitute a powerful tool to support the decision
making procedures in cases where there is not the desirable degree of structure (unstructured
or semi-structure) stemming from the fact that the problem of decision-making is complex or
there is no formed decision or there is no step-by-step procedure that can be used to support
the Decision Maker effectively. This paper presents a real world case study regarding the
management of the water supply meters network, which constitutes an unstructured problem
of decision-making. The application of a Rule Base Expert System encapsulating knowledge
obtained from the data analysis of the Consumer Recording system as well as from the
expression of expert knowledge was an efficient solution in determining the meters suspected
of under-recording water consumption as well the degree of under-measurement. Finally this
research work concludes with the design of a schedule for the replacement and maintenance
of the water consumption meters. The system NeMO (Network Measurement Optimisation), a
Rule Based Expert Systems, was developed for this Decision Problem with the aim of
providing both a cost-effective way and an efficient tool to improve the precise accuracy of
water measurement and the relative positive results for the water supply organization.