In an attempt to address the gap in service provision in respect to the vulnerable population of drug addicted mothers and children and reach out this 'hidden' population, 18-Ano contacted several statutory and voluntary organisations. The aim is to explore the possibility of receiving requests for help from drug addicted mothers, children or concerned relatives or providing help to these clients. Subsequently the Network of eleven organisations for the Support of addicted Mothers and Children was created.
Main targets of the network are the development of a communication and information exchange system
for the support of drug addicted mothers and their children. The second target is the improvement of the referral system between agencies dealing with addicted clients and those dealing with children's rights and welfare. Exchange of views and suggestions on matters of service provision, needed interventions at a central level and models of 'best practices' is the third target.
In reaching these targets the Network is about to publish a manual with guidelines and a list of organisations.