This study is an evaluation of the problem of noise pollution in operating rooms. The high sound pressure level of noise in the operating theatre has a negative impact on communication between operating room personnel. The research took place at nine Greek public hospitals with more than 400 beds. The objective evaluation consisted of sound pressure level measurements in terms of Leq, as well as peak sound pressure levels in recordings during 43 surgeries in order to identify sources of noise. The subjective evaluation consisted of a questionnaire answered by 684 operating room personnel. The views of operating room personnel were studied using Pearson’s X2 Test and Fisher’s Exact Test (SPSS Version 10.00), a t-test comparison was made of mean sound pressure levels, and the relationship of measurement duration and sound pressure level was examined using linear regression analysis (SPSS Version 13.00). The sound pressure levels of noise per operation and the sources of noise varied. The maximum measured level of noise during the main procedure of an operation was measured at Leq=71.9dB(A), L1=84.7dB(A), L10=76.2dB(A), and L99=56.7dB(A). The hospital building, machinery, tools, and people in the operating room were the main noise factors. In order to eliminate excess noise in the operating room it may be necessary to adopt a multidisciplinary approach. An improvement in environment (background noise levels), the implementation of effective standards, and the focusing of the surgical team on noise matters are considered necessary changes.