Open Source Web Applications are all
those applications that are accessible through the
World Wide Web[1], and also their source code is open
to anyone who wants to participate in their amendment.
The benefits of the World Community from these
applications are enormous. The use of open source
applications begins already at school. At University it
doesn't create just users, but develops students’
programming skills. At the same time, it promotes and
contributes to the research conducted by the academic
community. Later, in the workplace, these applications
are always useful and can help in all areas of daily
work as well as in the development of a company.
It's very important that the open source applications
promote cooperation and exchange of knowledge
between people, through discussion groups(forum),
since they allow the simultaneous work. Furthermore,
the benefits are economic as well, since it can be saved
a great amount of financial resources, that would be
spent for the purchase of the necessary software