Objectives: Nowadays, euthanasia has the meaning of the direct administration of a lethal
agent to the patient by another party with a merciful intent after patients’ request. Physician
assisted suicide refers to the patient intentionally and wilfully ending his or her own life
with the assistance of a physician. The objectives of the manuscript were to investigate the
opinions of Greek physicians, nurses, lay people and relatives of advanced cancer patients
on euthanasia and physician assisted suicide.
Methods: The final sample consisted of 215 physicians, 250 nurses, 218 relatives and 246
lay people. A survey questionnaire was used concerning issues such as euthanasia and
physician assisted suicide. The survey instrument included 13 questions and described
issues such as religious and spiritual beliefs, euthanasia, physician assisted suicide and
decision-making situations.
Results: 43.3% physicians and 41.3% relatives would agree in advance that in case of heart
and/or respiratory arrest there would not be an effort to revive a terminally ill cancer patient.
20.5% physicians had a request for euthanasia. Significant associations were found between
physicians (9.3%), relatives (1.8%, p = 0.001) and lay people (3.7%, p = 0.020) on their opinions
regarding withdrawing treatment.