A computer-aided classification system was developed for the assessment of the severity of hip osteoarthritis (OA) . Sixty-four radiographic images of normal and osteoarthritic hips were digitized and enhanced. Employing the Kellgren and Lawrence scale, the hips were grouped by three experienced orthopaedists into three OA-severity categories: Normal, Mild/Moderate and Severe. Utilizing custom-developed software, 64 ROIs corresponding to the radiographic Hip Joint Spaces were manually segmented and novel textural features were generated. These features were used in the design of a two-level classification scheme for characterizing hips as normal or osteoarthritic (1st level) and as of Mild/Moderate or Severe OA (2nd level). At each classification level, an ensemble of three classifiers was implemented. The proposed classification scheme discriminated correctly all normal hips from osteoarthritic hips (100% accuracy), while the discrimination accuracy between Mild/Moderate and Severe osteoarthritic hips was 95.7%. The proposed system could be used as a diagnosis decision-supporting tool.