Backgrolllld: Vitamin A and E are required in physiological processes such a:, pregnancy and
growth. Aim: To evaluate retinol and (X-tocopherol serum levels in Greek and Albanian mothers
and in their newborns. Methods: Data concerned 1125 Greek and 898 Albanian mothers along
with their newborns. Immediately after delivery. blood from the umbilical cord and from the
mothers was collected into light-protected tubes. Retinol and (X-tocopherol serum levels were
measured with u reversed-phase HPLC method. A 60-d dietetic diary was kept by each woman
during the last 2 mo of pregnancy. Results: Retinol (1.3 ± 0.1 I-Imol/l) and (X- tocopherol (32.9 ±
9.5I1molll) levels were estimated to be normal in Greek mothers and in most of their offspring
(0.9 ± 0. 1 and 18.5 ± 3.4l-1m01l1, respectively). In contrast, in Albanian mothers, reLinol concentration
was found to be low (0.6 ± 0.1 pmol/l), and in 1/3 significantly low «0.45 ~lmol/l). Consequently,
the vitamin was evaluated to be very low in their newborns (0.-1- ± 0.1 pmol!l), and in 1/2
extremely low. However, in 12% of the Albanian cord blood samples, retinol level was determined
to be higher as compared with that of their mothers. :x-Tocopherol was evaluated to be normal in
most of the immigrant mothers (20.0 ± 8.8 p.molll) and low «7.5 pmolll) in 15 o/c of their
newborns. Vitamin A intake was found to be extremely low and vitamin E low (p < 0.05) in the