Coordinate stability is crucial for every
RTK CORS network, especially when network-
based RTK is supported. Network-based techniques
like VRS, FKP and MAC model the error sources in
order to eliminate the distance-dependent errors in
relative GNSS geodetic positioning. The effective
modelling of the error sources requires highly
accurate coordinates of the reference stations.
Tectonic movements should be considered, as they
can lead to changes in the stations’ coordinates wi
respect to the coordinate reference frame in which
they are expressed. Greece is situated on the
boundaries of the Eurasian plate and has different
tectonic characteristics compared to the majority o
European countries. Moreover, Greece is
characterized by strong seismic activity. In certai
cases, earthquakes can cause abrupt changes in the
station coordinates.
The Hellenic Positioning System (HEPOS)
consists of 98 permanent GPS reference stations
distributed throughout Greece. During the first
years of the operation of HEPOS, several strong
earthquakes of different characteristics took place
certain areas of Greece. Data from the HEPOS
stations are processed in order to detect possible
permanent displacements induced by 8 different
earthquakes. The paper presents the processing
strategy and the obtained results.