Efficient parallel algorithms are presented, on the CREW PRAM model, for generating a succinct encoding of all pairs shortest path information in a directed planar graphG with real-valued edge costs but no negative cycles. We assume that a planar embedding ofG is given, together with a set ofq faces that cover all the vertices. Then our algorithm runs inO(log2 n) time and employsO(nq+M(q)) processors (whereM(t) is the number of processors required to multiply twot×t matrices inO(logt) time). Let us note here that wheneverq<n then our processor bound is better than the best previous one (M(n)).O(log2 n) time,n-processor algorithms are presented for various subproblems, including that of generating all pairs shortest path information in a directedouterplanar graph. Our work is based on the fundamental hammock-decomposition technique of G. Frederickson. We achieve this decomposition inO(logn log*n) parallel time by usingO(n) processors. The hammock-decomposition seems to be a fundamental operation that may help in improving efficiency of many parallel (and sequential) graph algorithms.