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Exploiting distance learning methods and multimedia-enhanced instructional content to support IT curricula in greek technological educational institutes
Όνομα Συνεδρίου:Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Networked Learning
Greek Educational Institutes are lately confronted with many challenges. In order to face the difficulties arising due to the increasing number of students and the low ratio of teachers per student group, new distance learning technologies and strategies have been utilized and the development of multimedia instruction material has been introduced as a value adding practice in the educational process. In order to provide continuity to the experiment, the overall results have been recorded and a methodological framework has been established to support the combinatory use of distance learning techniques, based on a mixed COntent - INstruction, TUtor - LEarner and multimedia enhanced COntent DEployment centered (COIN-TULE-CODE) approach. Finally, evaluation of the learning experiments was conducted and interesting outcomes are discussed.