Background: The correlation between the presence of Domestic Violence during pregnancy and Postnatal Depression is documented by an increasing number of studies.
Aim: The present study tries to make a bibliographic review of the studies that associate the presence of Domestic Violence during pregnancy with Postnatal Depression. The research question focused on whether Domestic Violence during pregnancy constitutes a risk factor for the manifestation of Postnatal Depression.
Method: The search in the Pubmed concerned the period 1996-2007, included articles in the English language and this resulted in 1539 articles and 180 systematic reviews. Key-words were grouped into three contextual categories:
1. Domestic Violence 2. Postnatal Depression 3. Pregnancy
Conclusion: Health professionals that deal with women after birth should be aware of issues of prevention, because it is obvious that women’s health is influenced both by Domestic Violence during pregnancy as well as by the presence of Postnatal Depression.