Among the weak points identified through a 10-year
experience on mobility
projects, were activities necessary for the prepara
tion of students into the
“environment” of the receiving Enterprises (practic
al training). The necessary
preparation focuses in two different areas: cultura
l and linguistic.
A global and integrated activity for the above prep
aration was not feasible, mainly
for financial reasons, time-schedule, level of exis
ting knowledge and certified
teachers/centers, capable of providing a similar tr
aining. Edition of Guides
containing information on: geography, art and cultu
ral heritage, education,
development and finance and other useful informatio
n for each country, proved to
be a successful tool to overcome the above problems
. Twenty- three of these
guides were developed diachronically and financed b
y the LdV programs.
Moreover, dissemination actions added a European va
lue not only to students-
scholars of LdV projects, but also to other movers
coming from Greek Universities
and Training Organizations, financed also by LLP Pr