The current study aims to highlight the impact that reutilization of industrial heritage monuments can have on the development of local economy, culture, quality of life and special interest and alternative forms of tourism in Greece.
In addition, the study illustrates how reutilization of industrial spaces contributes to the strengthening of the junction between the urban and rural environment, proposing communication strategies, through various networks, that will facilitate the aforementioned junction.
Finally, the content of academic courses focusing on such topics is also presented, combined with examples distilled from the Author's personal experience on delivering lectures in this context, for the students of the department of Interior Architecture, Decorative Arts and Design (IADAD) of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens (TEI-A).
The present study thus attempts to address the following questions:
Why is the development of special interest and alternative forms of tourism essential in Greece?
How does reutilization of industrial spaces affect the development of special interest and alternative forms of tourism in Greece?
Which are the potential new functions of former industrial spaces?
How can the junction between urban and rural environment be strengthened through the reutilization of industrial spaces?
How and to which extent can undergraduate academic education sensitise today's students-tomorrow's citizens/space managers?