Decision making process in selecting the most suitable technological solutions for electricity power generation in terms of strategic planning comprises a rather complex procedure with several contradicting factors involved. In this context, development of an appropriate evaluation methodology that will provide decision makers with a useful tool is the aim of the specific study. To achieve this, the Delphi method is used in order to compare a number of alternative technologies with respect to several characteristics, e.g. cost, environmental impacts, social impacts and technological status. According to this method, a properly formed questionnaire is sent to a number of experts, currently related to the power generation sector. After the evaluation of results, weight factors are determined, so that the different technologies can be ranked according to both their scoring in each criterion category and their global scoring, independently of categories, on the basis of a multi-criteria analysis. Emphasis is currently given on the electricity generation sector of Greece, with application of the developed methodology carried out for Crete, i.e. the biggest Greek island.