Όνομα Συνεδρίου:WSEAS/IASME International Conference on renewable energy sources
The current paper presents an investigation of the wind power potential of Koronos village, a remote
location in the northeastern part of Naxos Island, Greece, using real data collected from a measurement mast.
The obtained wind characteristics were statistically analyzed using the Weibull and Rayleigh distribution
functions. The results from this investigation showed that the selected site falls under Class 7 of the
international system of wind classification as the mean annual wind speed recorded in the area was 7.4 m/s and
the corresponding annual mean power density was estimated to be 420 W/m2. Furthermore, the prevailing wind
directions characterizing the area were the northeastern and the north-northeastern. From the statistical analysis
of these results, it was revealed that the Weibull model fitted the actual data better. This remark was further
enhanced by the evaluation of the performance of these two distributions.