Background: The local treatment of burn wounds has long been a subject of debate. The objective of this study
was to compare the cost and the effectiveness of Moist Exposed Burn Ointment -MEBO versus a combination of
povidone iodine plus bepanthenol cream for partial thickness burns.
Methods: The study was carried out in the Burn Center of a state hospital in Athens, Greece. 211 patients needing
conservative therapy were prospectively selected according to the depth of the burn wound. The treatment was
allocated according to the Stratified Randomization Design. The outcomes measured were mean cost of in-hospital
stay, rate of complications, time of 50% wound healing, pain scores, in hospital stay diminution. We have adopted
a societal perspective.
Results: In the total groups MEBO presented lower cost, (although not significantly different: p = 0.10) and better
effectiveness. The data suggest that MEBO is the dominant therapy for superficial partial burn wound with
significantly lower costs and significantly higher effectiveness due to a lesser time of recovery and consequently
lower time of hospitalization and follow-up. MEBO presented similar percentages of complications with the
comparator, lower pain levels and smaller time of no healthy appearance of the burn limits for superficial partial
thickness burns.
Conclusions: The data suggested that topical application of MEBO may be considered for further investigation as
a potential first-line treatment modality for superficial partial thickness burns.
Trial registration: The trial has been registered on the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number
Register (ISRCTN) and given the registration number ISRCTN74058791.