The historical approach of evolution of laparoendoscopic
surgery in Greece is in some way a “hall
of fame” for its pioneers and leading us at some
conclusions as follows:
1. Laparoendoscopic surgery (LS) in Greece developed
mostly in Athens in surgical wards without
great volume of emergency work at the beginning
(1990) and after a long period of hesitation in peripheral
regions too.
2. Most surgical wards in Athens and a few in
periphery developed full range phasma of operations
in a small period of time.
3. The small number of cases in some laparoscopic
operations such as spleen, adrenals, hiatus
hernia etc, maybe is the reason to develop some
specialty centers.
4. This attempt of registration must be in a most
scientific manner by organized scientific societies as
the Hellenic Surgical Society and/or the Hellenic Surgical
Association for Laparoendoscopic Surgery.