The Levantine Basin circulation pattern as obtained during April-May and August 2001, within the frame of the EU CYCLOPS project, showed that the dominant flow feature in the region south of Cyprus is the warm core eddy, known as the Cyprus eddy. Its centre was found to be located about 80 km west of its previous location during the 80s and late 90s, and the eddy was quite strong with geostrophic currents around the rim as high as 30-40 cm/s in the near surface layers. The salinity and temperature signals of the eddy were discernible down to 350 m. The computed geostrophic velocities of the eddy were comparable to the values estimated from the displacement of a subsurface buoy deployed by the PML group during the May 2001 CYCLOPS cruise. The post cruise model simulations also showed similar velocity values in the jet.