Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) provide
non-invasive measurements of the electrical activity on
the scalp that are linked to the presentation of stimuli
and events. Brain mapping techniques are able to
provide evidence for the solution of debatable issues in
cognitive science. In this paper, a two-step signal
classification approach is proposed, extending the use
of the Low Resolution Brain Electrical Tomography
(LORETA) inversion technique. The first step
concerns the feature extraction module, which is based
on the combination of the Multivariate Autoregressive
model with the Simulated Annealing technique. The
classification module, as the second step of the
methodology, is implemented by means of an Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) trained with the backpropagation
algorithm under “leave-one-out crossvalidation”.
The ANN is a multi-layer perceptron, the
architecture of which, is selected after a detailed
search. The proposed methodology has been applied
for the classification of first episode schizophrenic
patients and normal controls using as input signals the
intracranial current sources obtained by the inversion
of ERPs using the LORETA technique. Results by
implementing the proposed methodology provide
classification rates of up to 93.1%. Finally, the
proposed methodology may be used for the design of
more robust classifiers based on the head-surface
measured potentials as well as on the intracranial
source locations, which directly relate to cognitive