Genetic modification (engineering) of crops is an extension of the age-old practice of
cross breeding and selection to develop new crop varieties. With traditional breeding
methods, thousands of traits from two crops are combined. Using genetic engineering
only the desired characteristics are added to a plant. This technique holds a lot for
Africa. Some of the benefits, Africa stands to derive include, Increased food production,
improved nutritional and health benefits, improved environmental condition, improved
economic benefits and improvement in fruit storage. Genetic modification technique
allow for novel traits to be introduced into animals, crops and micro-organisms. These
techniques can be used to improve livestock, poultry and fish production as well as their
resistance to disease. The use of GM technologies thus comes as solution to the
numerous food security challenges facing Africa and the world at large. Plant scientist,
backed by results of modern comprehensive profiling of crop composition, point out that
crops modified using GM techniques are less likely to have unintended changes than are
conventionally bred crops. The introduction of genetically modified food into our
ecosystem have the potential to disrupt all works of life from microbes and bacteria, to
the well being and health of humans, to the extinction of endangered species to
potentially ending world hunger. Extensive public awareness campaigns are required to
address the concerns consumers have about the new technology and to highlight
biosafety measures and the benefit of genetically modified crops.