Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics constitute an especial young field of
research in the domain of pharmacology. Both work on genetic variations which occur
in individuals resulting reduced drug efficacy and more adverse drug reactions.
Pharmacogenetics, emphasizes the diversity of patients and their genetic background, set
their response to a given drug therapy, making understood the biological variability
whereas pharmacogenomic considers the effects they cause in an individual (patient)
different medications. The differences are studied on gene expression induction and
repression of genes. The drug metabolism in human body is acted out by the P450
enzymes. In mammals, xenobiotic metabolizing CYPs provide crucial protection from
the effects of exposure to a wide variety of chemicals, including environmental toxins
and therapeutic drugs. In Phase I reactions (oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis) and
phase II conjugation reactions of drug metabolism in human body (acetylation,
glucuronidation, sulfation, and methylation) are influenced by a number of genetic
polymorphisms. Because many of the polymorphisms causing adverse effects are the
result of single nucleotide changes, then a SNP profile of an individual could be used to
guide therapy. If the genotype of an individual was known in advance then better clinical
decisions could be made. Currently, more than 30 families of enzyme complexes
responsible for drug metabolism have been described in humans and numerous
variations exist in the encoding the many enzymes and proteins. The interdependence of
the genetic makes up a large pharmaceutical research field today. More new analysis
techniques beyond the understanding of the disease is possible and the Pharmaceutical
treatment as targeted and individualized therapy. The ultimate goal of studies is to make
more effective and affordable (financially) regimens with fewer side effects and greater
patient response.