Abstract: As a developing country that depends greatly on tourism, Egypt
needs to upgrade the knowledge and skills of its workforce in the field of
Tourism. The tour guide is one of the main jobs in that field and thus; the
preparation of a tour guide is increasingly important.
The study of archeology plays a central role in the preparation of a
successful tour guide. Therefore, the study aims to present an improved
approach of teaching archeology in the faculties of tourism. The adopted
approach focuses on two main aspects; implementing technology as a tool for a
better teaching and learning experience and developing students’ skills not just
to gain knowledge but to be engaged in the construction of knowledge. The
adopted approach was implemented on one of the courses of Islamic archeology
taught in the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alex. University, Egypt and was evaluated to determine its advantages and disadvantages and its efficiency to
be applied on other courses of archeology in the faculties of tourism.