Among others two sets of equations have been proposed in the literature [3, 12] to model the
relatively long waves with small amplitudes in water of varying depth. Bratsos et al [5, 6] presented a
parametric ¯nite-di®erence scheme, which can be considered as a generalization of the Crank-Nickolson
method, concerning the numerical solution of the one-dimensional Boussinesq-type set of equations for
these models. For this purpose a parameter # was used successfully. In this work we apply for both models
[3, 12] the method to the bathymetry used by Beji and Battjes [2] as well as an analogous known in the
bibliography as Ohyama's experiment [8] and we compare the results with those given by MIKE 21 BW [7]
developed by DHI Software. Our aim is to investigate the in°uence of the parameter θ in the numerical
results arising from the introduced method.