Introduction: The last decades exists an increase of
infections in children patients with cancer mainly because
resistant to antibiotics pathogenic organisms. The confrontation
of problem is reduced in strategies of control of
infections that propose good hygiene via basic and intensive
Aim: To present the modern dimensions of this problem
through systematic examination of bibliography.
Method:Systematic review of the literature of the electronic
databases (Medline/Pudmed, Cinahl, Scopus, HEAL
Link) & critical analysis of the relevant articles that were
retrieved for the years 1996–2011. The initial number of
the retrieved articles was 5.988 from which 15 fulfilled the
eligibility criteria: (i) the studies were written in English
language and published in peer reviewed journals, (ii) the
sample of the studies consisted of children in-patients, and
(iii) the studies had explicit methodology and results. A
scale for quality estimation of was used in order to evaluate
the quality of studies.
Results: Twenty percent of the studies were not-randomized
studies with control group and rated ‡60%. The
results of these studies show an important reduction or
elimination of VRE with the implementation of bundled
nursing interventions. Behavioral interventions described
in these studies included education and the use of a multidisciplinary
team. 66.7% of the studies were applied five nursing interventions for the reduction of colonization of
VRE, while in the 33.3%>5. The 80% of studies concerned
not-randomized in which became simultaneous implementation
of all interventions for the reduction of colonization
of VRE with only after measurements. 41.6% of
these report elimination of VRE, the 41.6% important
reduction and the 16.8% reduction.
Conclusions: There is strong evidence about the use of
bundled nursing interventions for the reduction of colonization
of VRE in children in-patient but is strongly recommended
to test further the application of these
interventions with the use of powerful methodology