Intoduction: Violence is a significant risk factor for
children’s health disorders and is observed in all social
Purpose: The aim of the present study was to explore the
extent of violence in young adults, in the way the experienced
domestic violence during childish and adolescence.
Material-Methods: The sample-studied consisted of 365
students of Nursing. Data were collected by the completion
of ICAST-CH questionnaire. For the analysis of data was
used statistical package SPSS 17 and the statistical methods
ANOVA and t-test.
Results: Of the 365 participants 87% were girls and 13%
boys. Seven percentage of the sample-studied reported that
in its family were individuals who consumed alcohol and
use of drugs and their behavior brings fear, while 37.6% had
seen within family individuals to shout in a way that horrified
them, the 12% experienced corporal violence within
the family, 7% had experienced use of pointed instrument in
order to horrify and injure them and 7.7% had experienced
case of war and revolt. Statistical analysis of the data
showed that boys experienced violence more frequently
whereas the girls reported sexual abuse, more frequently,
P = 0.021 and P = 0.030, respectively. Regarding family
status, it was found that individuals of single families consume
more frequently alcohol and drugs, P = 0.027, dispute
more frequently, P = 0.043, as well as assault and injure,
P = 0.029. As for the number of children, it was found that
the more children in family, the less cases of corporal
punishment, P = 0.013. In terms to educational status of
parents, it was found that the parent of primary education,
consumes alcohol and uses drugs more frequently,
P = 0.001 as well as they apply corporal abuse, P = 0.050.
Participants that a member of their family had some
corporal or mental disorder, experienced more frequently
situations that provoked horror, P = 0.009, while they
didn t take whatever was necessary for their breeding,
P = 0.007. Same results where found when a parent used
alcohol or drugs, P = 0.013, P < 0.001 respectively and
they reported that they had experienced more frequently
corporal violence, P = 0.045.
Conclusions: Socio-economic factors, such as low educational
status, alcohol and drugs, psychiatric diseases and
family structure are the main risk factors for domestic