This preliminary study aims at examining the
major policy issues regarding the formation of a Greek
Citation Index. The National Documentation Centre in
2011 has undertaken the task and it is at the stage of
establishing policies and setting the goals, the
parameters and the collaborations for the currying out
of the project. The study examines issues such as:
a. the selection of humanities and social sciences
as a start of point for the citation index,
b. the need to set the goals and objectives of the
index in view of the use of impact factor for the
assessment of academics and the issues arising
from such practices
c. the comparison of international to national
production of citation indices
d. the mechanism needed to establish policies
regarding the use of standards, selection of
material, the compliance with repository
policies and open access practices
e. the need to assess the situation within the
framework of language (and alphabet)
differences, demographics and audience,
scientific production within the need to make
Greek scientific publications available to the
international scientific community and finally
f. the decision regarding the creation of an
independent national citation index or
incorporate it as a part of one of the
international citation indices (ERIH, Web of
Science, Scopus)