This research performed to survey
attitudes of Iranian Academic librarians and faculty
members towards the draft code of library professional
ethics for Iran. The researcher used the survey research
methodology for this study. The researchers used two
questionnaires for the analysis in this study. The
researcher collected, analyzed, and reported data for a
population of university librarians 445 in 33
governmental universities in seven provinces and 62
faculty members of library and information sciences
from throughout governmental libraries. The
questionnaire designed based on draft code for
professional ethics of Iranian Library and Information
Sciences Association used for data. According to the
results of Mann Whitney U Test and Kruskal-Wallis test
, there isn't meaningful differences between the views of
faculty members with regard to sex, age, work
experience, education, type of employment, since the
meaningful level more than 0.05 mentioned in all items.
Accordingly, hypothesis 1 was rejected. According to
results of Mann Whitney U Test and Kruskal-Wallis test,
and Independent One-Sample T-Test, there isn't
meaningful differences between views of the academic
librarians with sex, work experience, type of
employment and job status. Since the meaningful level
in all cases is more than p-value 0.05, accordingly
hypothesis 2 was rejected.