Όνομα Συνεδρίου:International Conference on Integrated Information (IC-ININFO 2011)
Twenty years after the Cohen and
Levinthal 1990 paper, the field of absorptive
capacity is characterized by a wide array of
theoretical perspectives and a wealth of
empirical evidence. The conventional focus in the
corporate venturing literature is on evaluating
ventures based on business growth and financial
performance. This view completely ignores the
important role of internal ventures in capability
development. The purpose of this article is to advance
understanding of absorptive capacity by focusing on a
firm’s capability to acquire, assimilate and transform
external knowledge through the actions of its
corporate venturing units. The relationship between
absorptive capacity and corporate venturing might
explain why some companies are better than others
in acquiring and assimilating new external
knowledge. It might also lead practitioners to
question current views in internal venture evaluation
and add routines and processes for transferring newly
acquired capabilities between new ventures and
existing business units.